children learning
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Proverbs 3 & 4

Accompanies the Post “Follow the Spirit to Safety” Proverbs 3Expanded Bible (EXB) Advice to Children 3 My ·child [L son], do not forget my ·teaching [instruction; law],     but ·keep my commands in mind [L let your heart/mind protect my commands]. 2 Then ·you will live a long time,     and your life will be successful [L length of days and years […]

Bread Dough
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We Are Proofed Like Dough

For quite some time, the Lord’s people have been in a great refining, some would even say, the beginning of a great tribulation. The Lord is judging His church first and, thus, purifying His Bride. This has shaken you to the core and made you doubt, almost every day. You go from moments of terror, […]

Rising Loaves
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What Does It Mean To Proof Dough

Simply put, the term ‘proof’ or ‘proving’ dough refers to the rise of dough, especially the final rise.  Interestingly enough, it can also refer to the testing of the yeast to make sure it is alive and active.  That in itself is a wonderful analogy to the Christian walk, but today we are using the […]